Bahasa Inggris Kata Kerja

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014
8 jenis kata :
A.    Kata Kerja (verb) : do (what are you doing?)
B.     Kata Sifat (adjective) : handsome (my father so handsome)
C.     Kata keterangan (adverb) : today (today , I must go to the collage)
D.    Kata Benda (noun) : table (you can put a fruits in the table)
E.     Kata Ganti (pronoun) : she ( she’s so beautiful)
F.      Kata Depan (preposition) : in ( in this class,you must keep silent if you study)
G.    Kata Penghubung (conjuction) : than (bandung is the beautiful city more THEN all city)
H.    Kata Sandang ( article) : an (she is an actress)

5W 1H            :
A.    What   = apa
B.     Where  = dimana
C.     Who    = siapa
D.    When   = kapan
E.     Why    = kenapa
F.      How    = bagaimana

5 modal auxiliaries :
A.    Can      could   possible, physically able, optional (negative=not possible)
B.     Must    -
C.     Will     would  definite future, desired, promised
D.    Shall    should probable future, intended future (conditional=morally advisable)
E.     May     might   possible, not certain, with permission (negative=not certain)

Auxiliaries verb :         Auxiliary verbs adalah kata kerja bantu yang secara gramatikal berfungsi membentuk atau memberi tambahan arti pada kalimat. Umumnya auxiliary verbs digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja utama (main verbs) dan membantunya membentuk struktur gramatikal sebuah kalimat.

Ada tiga auxiliary verbs: to be, to do, dan to have. Be, do, dan have tidak mempunyai makna jika berdiri sendiri sebagai auxiliary verbs, meskipun begitu dalam bahasa Indonesia umumnya diartikan sebagai “sedang”, “telah”, “apakah”, atau “sungguh-sungguh”.

To Be
Auxiliary verbs yang biasa digunakan adalah be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been.Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to be biasa digunakan bersama past participle untuk membuat kalimatpassive dan bersama present participle untuk membuat kalimat continuous.

- He is watching TV.
- We are teaching you about helping verbs.
- Small fish are eaten by big fish.
- He was killed in the war.
- The agencies were completing the inventories.
- I will be seeing him soon.
- He had only been trying to help.
- The house is being painted.

Quation Words :                               Which dress are you going to wear tonight?
What colour is your dress?
Whose car are you going to use?




John sleeps.

Jill is eating.

Jack will arrive next week.


I like rice.

She loves her job.

He's eating an orange.


He is funny.

The workers are lazy.

Karen seems angry.


Jim is here.

Flowers are everywhere.

No one was there.


She is my mom.

The men are doctors.

1.      N+P+N                       : Tom is cat
2.      N+P+Adjc                  : Tepy is handsome
3.      N+P+Advrb                : The book in table     
4.      Pronoun+P+Noun       : she is an actress
5.      Prenoun+P+adjc         : he is diligent
6.      Prenoun+P+advrb       : this is McDonald
7.      Q.w+aux verb+N+P   : what does rani thing?
8.      Q.w+aux verb+Pre+P : where did she live ?


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